About Me
Connecting dots…
Blogs that continue to evolve in thoughts, rethinking and reinforcing the learnings.
Hello , I’m Rasika Warade, and currently from New York - New Jersey area, USA.
I am professionally a developer @ Shopify. I have an eclectic range of interests, and this blog would serve as an opportunity to share and learn about those interests. I enjoy coffee , driving
, and comfort food
. The secret you will discover about me ,only later, is mostly that I love singing
and dancing
It’s my goal to learn and write
in public this year, and I’m so excited about it. I had aimed at it in 2021 and it wasn’t my year for creation, but so far, 2022 looks promising
Hope you find these readings delightful and helps a tiny little bit in your own learnings.
Feel free to share comments, any feedback or just connect with me at LinkedIn.
Check out my work at Github or other site.